About Us
We are a group of Christians who meet together to preach the good news of God’s salvation, worship, pray, and study the Bible. We meet as a local church to serve God and witness to the community.
We meet together on a weekly basis to remember the Lord and study the Bible. We gather to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ alone. Our building name, "Gospel Hall", is indicative of the priority we give to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We devote every Sunday evening service to preaching the Gospel.
Our vision is the flourishing of the gospel to the salvation of souls and the spiritual growth of believers - all to the glory of God!
Some of our Services

Each Sunday we meet to remember the death of the Lord Jesus, by breaking bread and drinking a cup of wine. When I break the bread, I remember how His body was broken for me. When I drink of the cup, I remember that He shed His blood for the forgiveness of my sin. I do not partake of it in order to receive forgiveness for my sins, but because I have received the forgiveness of sins.

Bible studies are introduced by an overview of the topic or chapter, followed by a detailed discussion. Bible teaching takes the form of exposition of a Bible chapter
or topic.

We have a deep concern for our young people, and a desire to see them not only grow and develop into well-adjusted adults, but more importantly to see them build a biblical foundation for life, and accept Christ as their own personal Savior.
Breaking of Bread
Bible Study
Sunday School
Sunday @ 10:00 am
Sunday @ 11:45 am
Sunday @ 11:45 am

The Gospel that we preach is that “Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures”, that “he was buried and that he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures”. The bible teaches that we must personally recognize and acknowledge our guiltiness before God, repent from our sin, and trust Christ as our personal Savior and Lord.
Gospel Meeting
Sunday @ 6:00 pm

This is a weekly meeting split into two halves. We first meet praying together for the needs of our church, community and our country. This is followed by a reading from the Bible and an exposition on that reading to help us practically in our daily lives.
Prayer & Ministry
Thursday @ 7:30 pm